ISLAMABAD   -   Pakistan yesterday re­jected any human rights abuse in the country and reiterated its com­mitment to the funda­mental freedoms.

Speaking at a weekly news briefing, Foreign Office spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch said that Pakistan fol­lows its rules and the Constitution.

Asked about the plea made by the US State Department spokes­person about provision of consular access to the suspect of 9th May, Khadija Shah, she said: “Pakistan will follow its laws and its inter­national obligations in bringing to justice indi­viduals responsible for the events of 9th May.”

She further said Pa­kistan was a country of laws and “it is a country which has constitution­ally guaranteed human rights and fundamental freedoms and we are a democratic setup with free and independent judiciary. The Govern­ment of Pakistan will continue to follow its obligations under the law and under the Con­stitution.”

Baloch said Pakistan, China and Iran have de­cided to institutionalize the trilateral consulta­tions on counter terror­ism and security.

She said the under­standing in this regard was reached during the first Pakistan-Chi­na-Iran Trilateral Con­sultation Meeting on Counter Terrorism and  Security held in Beijing. She said the delegations held detailed discussions on the regional security situation, par­ticularly the threat of terrorism faced by the region. About prevailing situa­tion in Indian Illegally Occupied Jam­mu and Kashmir, the spokesperson urged India to pay heed to the United Nations call to take preventive mea­sures to protect children by ending the use of pellets against children. She also demanded India to heed to this call and protect the children of Kash­mir from violence, displacement and trauma. Baloch said Pakistan will con­tinue to extend political, diplomatic and moral support to our Kashmiris for the just and peaceful settlement of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute in ac­cordance with the United Nations Se­curity Council resolutions. To a ques­tion, the spokesperson said opening of the Iranian embassy in Riyadh is a welcome and important development in pursuance of normalization of dip­lomatic relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia.

On the meeting of Dr Afia Sid­diqui’s sister in a US jail, the spokes­person said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has played its role in making Dr. Fouzia Siddiqui’s visit to the Unit­ed States possible.