Minister for Information and Broadcasting Marriyum Aurangzeb Thursday said that Imran Khan’s interview with BBC correspondent was “a true reflection and mirror of the real face of a duplicitous and false character.”
In a tweet while commenting on Imran’s contradictory claims in the interview, she said in one sentence he said if he was jailed, there would be reaction while in the next sentence he blamed the party’s workers and leaders for May 9 mayhem.
This was a lesson for all those who had fallen victim to the misguidance and deception of the misguided Imran Khan, she remarked.
She said Imran Khan himself always indulged in wrongdoings, but whenever he was caught, he blamed others.
“From ‘one page’ to ‘I was powerless’, from ‘United States brought down my government’ to ‘Mohsin Naqvi brought down my government’, the liar has now finally put the debris of May 9 on his party workers and leaders.
She maintained that the PTI workers burnt Pakistan at the instigation of Imran Khan and damaged national dignity and desecrated martyrs' memorials.
Marriyum Aurangzeb said that Imran Khan had the habit of blaming others for his own faults.
She said he blamed the party’s leaders for illegal foreign funding and failure to provide ten million jobs, failure in building 5 million houses, cipher issue and the unprecedented corruption committed during the PTI regime.
She maintained that Imran Khan had crossed all limits of honesty, law and trust.
The minister opined that Imran was the reason behind May 9 tragedy as he had poisoned the minds of his party workers and leaders with hatred since fall of his government last year.
Stating that now he was absolving himself of any blame, she hoped that those burning in “ Ishq-e-Imrani” would be satisfied now.
She said that his habit of blaming his benefactors for his own faults was the reason everyone was abounding him now.