ISLAMABAD    -    Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif said Saturday that steps were being taken to ensure public relief in the upcoming budget. Talking to Minister of State for Finance Aisha Ghous Pasha in Lahore, he said we brought the economy out of difficult situa­tion to stability.

The prime minister was appre­ciative of the economic team's efforts to stabilize the econo­my regardless of all the difficul­ties. Shehbaz Sharif recalled that a big relief package was given to the flood victims in the wake of unprecedented floods in the country. The prime minister said steps were also being taken to ensure that the benefit of reduc­tion in petroleum prices reaches the common man. The minister of state briefed the prime minis­ter about the progress on the next budget, public relief and overall economic situation of the country.

Also, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif said Saturday that togeth­er they set a red line that the at­titude reflected on May 9 was in­tolerable. The prime minister also thanked the people of Pa­kistan for their active participa­tion in the solemn observance of Youm-e-Takreem Shuhada-e-Pa­kistan on May 25. 

“It was a collective outpouring of gratitude for our Shuhada & gha­zis by the whole nation. Together we set a redline that the attitude reflected on May 9 is intolerable.

Living nations uphold the honor & dignity of their benefactors and heroes who render the supreme sac­rifice of their life so that their countrymen & wom­en can live peacefully,” the prime minister tweeted on Saturday. Meanwhile, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif said providing equal development opportunities and dignified employment to the youth is the top priori­ty of government. He was talking to Special Assistant on Youth Affairs Shaza Fatima in Lahore on Saturday.

He said sports activities are also being organized along with the provision of facilities of internation­al standard in the realm of education and skills. Alluding to the recent inauguration of the 34th Nation­al Games in Quetta, the Prime Minister said it was heartening to see the youth participating in positive activities. Shehbaz Sharif said our aim is to protect the youth from the effects of negative propaganda by providing them opportunities to use their energies in positive activities. The Special Assistant apprised the Prime Minister of the progress of the Youth Program. Pakistani soldiers rendering excellent services in UN Peacekeeping: PM Prime Minister She­hbaz Sharif on Saturday said that Pakistani soldiers had rendered excellent services in the UN Peacekeep­ing, including the sacrifice of life in the most complex and dangerous conflict zones. In a tweet, the PM said as the eight Pakistani peacekeepers were honored posthumously on the completion of 75 years of the United Nations (UN) Peacekeeping Mission, Paki­stan was proud of being one of the largest contribu­tors to the peace missions under the UN’s umbrella.

“We are proud of our peacekeepers for their un­precedented commitment to duty,” he added. 

On May 25, the UN honoured at a solemn ceremo­ny 103 military, police and civilian personnel from around the world, including eight Pakistani peace­keepers, who lost their lives serving under the UN flag last year. 

The special ceremony was presided over by Secre­tary-General (SG) Antonio Guterres which marked the 75th anniversary of UN peacekeeping. In the cer­emony, the Dag Hammarskjold Medal was awarded posthumously to the peacekeepers, who made the ultimate sacrifice for the cause of peace, during the preceding year.