In a significant development, the police in Lahore on Friday apprehended Rizwan Zia, the son of a former inspector general of police, in connection with the attack on the Corps Commander’s House earlier this month. Rizwan Zia, who is the son of Major (retd) Ziaul Hasan, a former IGP of Sindh and Punjab, was taken into custody on charges of burning and vandalizing Jinnah House on May 9 following the arrest of PTI Chairman Imran Khan.
According to the authorities, Rizwan Zia was arrested for his involvement in protests and acts of vandalism outside the Corps Commander’s House. The arrest came after the police uncovered the geo-fencing location, which implicated the accused in the attack. It is worth noting that Rizwan Zia is also the son-in-law of a former army officer.
Law enforcement agencies are currently working diligently to apprehend any other individuals associated with the accused. Authorities are leaving no stone unturned to bring all those involved in the attack to justice and ensure that such incidents do not undermine the peace and stability of the country.