Caretaker Punjab Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi has said Khadija Shah, the ‘prime suspect’ in the Jinnah House attack case, is currently in police custody for an identification parade.
Speaking to the media, Mohsin Naqvi rejected the impression of ‘mistreatment’ of women protestors in jail and termed it mere propaganda.
The Punjab caretaker CM Mohsin Naqvi said that Khadijah Shah is currently in police custody. All the accused of the Jinnah House attack including Khadija Shah will be prosecuted in accordance with the law, he added.
Mohsin Naqvi said that those who were found guilty in the Jinnah House attack, will not walk free no matter how much influential they are.
He added that 11 women are currently in jail on judicial remand, and there are cameras around the jail and ruled out the impression of ‘mistreatment’ of the incarcerated women.
Earlier, former premier and Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chairman Imran Khan alleged that women are being ‘mistreated’ to pressurize the political leaders.
While addressing PTI workers and supporters via social media, Imran Khan claimed that women are being targeted by the incumbent government in an organized way.